High-school + Drugs = Reality

Posts tagged “allusion

Does Everything Allude to Something?

Isn't it quite possible that in literature there is no allusion being made? Aren't we just far enough advanced into recorded society that everything alludes to something else? From colors to setting, everything can be rationalized, but only the author can say if something is meant to be an allusion. So why is it that in class students are always troubled with finding meaning in everything? Shouldn't the author just highlight all their allusions and explain them? It would make everything easier for everyone.

Isn’t it quite possible that in literature there is no allusion being made? Aren’t we just far enough advanced into recorded society that everything alludes to something else? From colors to setting, everything can be rationalized, but only the author can say if something is meant to be an allusion. So why is it that in class students are always troubled with finding meaning in everything? Shouldn’t the author just highlight all their allusions and explain them? It would make everything easier for everyone.

The thing is that we as people

The thing is that we as people

overthink everything. For example

overthink everything. For example

none of these pictures were GIFS, but they all move because we overthink everything. That's why we insist that there are allusions in everything when really there isn't.

none of these pictures were GIFS, but they all move because we overthink everything. That’s why we insist that there are allusions in everything when really there isn’t.